Friday, June 19, 2009


Morgan Freeman is a FOOLYWANG!

I'm am sooo soo thru with this dude... First the car accident at 1 am with his wife's best friend in the car... And now what do I wake up to this morning?
ONE News Hollywood correspondent Dominic Bowden says reports emerged overnight about 72-year-old Morgan Freeman's affair with his 27-year-old step-granddaughter.

Reportedly the affair has been going on since she was a teenager, but it was kept very quiet until Freeman split with his wife at the beginning of last year.

Freeman took the step-granddaughter to the premiere of the Dark Knight, where Bowden says there were reports the two were remarkably close, possibly even too close, as they spent the night holding hands, cuddling and giggling.

Bowden says everyone in Hollywood is hoping the rumours are not true as although Freeman is a very respected and well-known actor, he may not be able to emerge from this scandal unscathed.


Really boo, Your Step-Grandaughter... I vote Hell NO!

Stay fierce , fabulous, and burning your copy of Shawshank Redemption,

Today is a fabulous day for Brown folks! Today is the day they finally Give US free!!! What is Juneteeth?
Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in the U.S. State of Texas in 1865. Celebrated on June 19, the term is a portmanteau of June and nineteenth, and is recognized as a state holiday in 31 of the United States

From Wikipedia.. Now go holler "Happy Freedom Day" to a Brown Person today! How are ya'll going to celebrate today?

Horrible story i just found on twitter via bigDeelight